Monday, November 26, 2012

Gaza ABC

The following lyrics, from Alex Kirby's wonderful song, Gaza ABC, flow naturally from the previous post: 

ABC stop killing me,
DEF you all,
GHI don't want to die,
It's JKHeLL on earth.

And this is me, learning very well my Gaza ABC.
This is me, Ma, learning very well my Gaza ABC.

MNO not my classroom,
PQR you mad?
STU shoot bombs in here,
VWXY me?
And Z, my friends they all lie sleeping.
ZZZZZZZZ, we all lie sleeping.

123 is given me,
free time from falling death,
456 I pick up sticks,
cause my friends they're buried yet.

This is me, learning very well my Gaza ABC.
And I'm taking my education very seriously.

789 minutes of time, they got back to working early.
It's 10 to 12 and it's raining shells,
You know the peace was sweet but hurried.

And this is me, Ma, learning very well my Gaza ABC,
And I'm taking my education very seriously.

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